
If your website uses Cloudflare, you might need to explicitly allow access for our cookie-scanner. This guide explains how to do that from your Cloudflare account.

By default, Cloudflare protects your website against automated scans. We are in the process of becoming listed as a known "good bot" with Cloudflare. Until they have completed that process, you might need to add a bypass rule to your Cloudflare account, to prevent their service from blocking our cookie-scanner.

To explicitly allow Openli's cookie-scanner to access your website, you should:

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account

  2. Select your website, if multiple websites are shown

  3. Click the Firewall menu-item

  4. Click the Firewall Rules tab

  5. Click the Create a Firewall Rule button

  6. Name the new rule, for example "Allow Openli cookie-scanner"

  7. In the "When incoming requests match..." section:

    1. set Field to User Agent

    2. set Operator to contains

    3. in Value, type LegalMonster (exactly as written here; no quotes, no spaces, and capital L and M)

  8. In the "Then..." section:

    1. set Choose an action to Bypass

    2. set Choose a feature to Browser Integrity Check

  9. Click the Save button

Our cookie-scanner should now be able to scan your site. You can see an screenshot of a correctly configured rule here:

Last updated