Using projects to handle multiple languages

If you have a multi-language page, you should always present the cookie widget in the same language as your website.

These features are only available for Cookie Business subscriptions.

Setting up projects

Remember to always make sure you have selected the correct project in the bottom left corner whenever you work in the Openli app.

To properly handle consents from different languages, you need to have access to the projects feature. This feature is available in our Cookie Business subscriptions.

  1. In your Openli dashboard, go to "Settings".

  2. Click "Add project".

  3. Name your project and save it. Use a name that makes it easily identifiable like "MYWEBSITE - EN" and "MYWEBSITE - DK".

  4. Find your project in the settings page and click "edit"

  5. Under "Manage cookie domains" add your website for the relevant language. For example: "" or "". It's important that you remember to include the language prefix or suffix, in case there are different cookies on each version of the website.

  6. Now you should see your project in the bottom-left corner of the Openli app, in the expandable menu below the "Sign out" link.

  7. Give each project a cookie policy in the appropriate language, and set up a cookie widget that uses it.

  8. Embed the relevant widget for each language on your website, ensuring that you set the correct locale so each widget displays in the desired language.

Systems that do not support different JavaScript for each language version

Some systems doesn't allow you to change the scripts in the footer. This means that you can only insert one widget script, and you will need to customise it to your specific system's needs.

If you have difficulty with this and need advice, contact our customer success team at including as much detail as possible.

Last updated