Changing an old cookie policy to a new on autopilot

Here is a short video guide

Below you'll find step by step instructions in text if you prefer to read them in stead :)

Making a new policy on autopilot

Making a new policy on autopilot is easy. it takes only a few simple steps:

  1. Go to and log in

  2. Go to agreements in the side menu

  3. Click create new policy in the top right corner and select "Cookie policy on autopilot" from the dropdown

  4. Fill out the form. Don't forget to add if you are using pixels, as they need an added section in the policy (added automatically when you select it)

  5. click create policy and approve it

Once that is done you have your policy ready

Updating it in your widget

Now you need to update it in your widget.

  1. Go to widgets in the sidemenu

  2. Click "Edit widget" for the appropriate widget in your list

  3. Use the first drop down in the editor menu to select the new policy

  4. Save the widget

PRESTO!!! You're done. The widget will now show the new policy which is of course automatically updated, because it is now on autopilot.

Last updated