Square Online

This guide is designed to help customers installing our cookie widget on their Square Online website (part of SquareUp.com). Follow these few simple steps to get up and running quickly.

This integration is no longer actively supported or tested by Openli.

Before you start

Before following these steps, please be sure that you have:

  1. Added your website's URL (either during the signup process or in the settings page)

Check step 1 - 4 in the Get Started with Openli guide to create all of the above.

Step 1: Code snippet

To install your widget, you'll need your cookie widget's code snippet.

To find your code snippet, go to the Openli dashboard and select "Widgets" in the side menu. Click on the cookie widget you previously created and copy the code.

It will look like this:

    !function(){var i,e,t,s=window.legal=window.legal||[];if(s.SNIPPET_VERSION="3.0.0",i="https://widgets.legalmonster.com/v1/legal.js",!s.__VERSION__)if(s.invoked)window.console&&console.info&&console.info("legal.js: The initialisation snippet is included more than once on this page, and does not need to be.");else{for(s.invoked=!0,s.methods=["cookieConsent","document","ensureConsent","handleWidget","signup","user"],s.factory=function(t){return function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);return e.unshift(t),s.push(e),s}},e=0;e<s.methods.length;e++)t=s.methods[e],s[t]=s.factory(t);s.load=function(e,t){var n,o=document.createElement("script");o.setAttribute("data-legalmonster","sven"),o.type="text/javascript",o.async=!0,o.src=i,(n=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]).parentNode.insertBefore(o,n),s.__project=e,s.__loadOptions=t||{}},s.widget=function(e){s.__project||s.load(e.widgetPublicKey),s.handleWidget(e)}}}();

        type: "cookie",
        widgetPublicKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

The value for widgetPublicKey will be different in your code snippet.

Step 2: Add your Openli widget to your Square Online site

In your Square Online dashboard, navigate to the Tracking Tools page (previously called Integrations), as shown in the screenshot below:

Expand the Cookie banner section, shown in the screenshot below, and paste your cookie widget snippet:

After you paste your snippet, the page will validate the code, save it, and update your site immediately.

You should now see your cookie widget on your site!


If you have added any custom code under the Add custom header code option, you might need to update that code to ensure that cookies are blocked. Follow our blocking guide to stay compliant.

Step 3: Blocking cookies

The final step you need to take to make sure your cookies are compliant is to block any scripts that set them on your website, so the widget can enable them only when a visitor gives consent.

This step is a bit more technical, and our guide shows you how to categorise the scripts that set cookies on your website to enable blocking. You might need a developer to help you.


Congratulations on completing your first step towards collecting compliant cookie consent. Pat yourself on the back, and know that our mascot Li is proud of you.

Last updated